Comfort Options

Don't like to be dilated?

Try Optomap Retinal Exam

No drops, no wait time. This technology takes images of the eye in less than 1/4 of a second! The images allow the doctor to see most of the back of your eye. It’s as easy as taking a picture – and safe for every family member – regardless of age! 


This also serves as a great baseline to keep in your file. We can pull multiple images at a time and track any changes in your eye health. Images are reviewed and explained during your examination with the eye care professional.


Our patients rave about the Optomap Retinal Imaging system because it is quick and more comfortable than dilation drops. However, the doctor reserves the right to dilate, for a minimal fee, when the doctor deems it necessary (or the patient desires). In any case, we recommend the Optomap to EVERY patient, EVERY year.

optomap retinal exam imaging

Early detection of life-threatening diseases like cancer, stroke, and cardiovascular disease

Retinal Imaging Benefits Your Overall Health

It’s critical during your eye health exam for your Optometrist to evaluate the condition of your retina (the lining of the back of your eye)

Aside from the variety of eye diseases, your eye doctor is looking for signs of, your retina can also show signs of various other diseases, such as stroke, heart disease, hypertension, and even diabetes. Amazingly the first signs for many of these serious health conditions show in the retina, making regular eye examinations that much more important for your overall health.

Why Patients Love Our Optomap Option

Nothing touches your eye, ever, while you sit at the Optomap instrument, and it takes the image of your retina. The process is so simple, that every member of your family – regardless of age – is thankful for this comfortable advancement in technology.


While we mentioned above, the Optomap can be an alternative option for eye dilation, your optometrist will decide if your pupils must be dilated for further examination based on your specific situation. As always, we never charge extra for the dilation once you’ve purchased the Optomap. If you are dilated during your appointment, the doctor always likes having your eye Optomap images (the big overall picture) up on the big screen beside them as they look at your eyes section by section through your dilated pupil.

Total EyeCare PC strongly believes the Optomap Retinal Exam is an essential part of your comprehensive eye health exam and we highly recommend it for every patient’s annual routine eye exam.

Additional fees may apply for the Optomap Retinal Exam.

Improved Client Comfort & Disease Prevention

Icare® Tonometer

In place of the “puff-of-air”, we now offer the Icare® tonometer for quick and easy eye pressure measurement (IOP) without anesthesia or air. With this instrument, a very light probe is used to make momentary and gentle contact with the cornea.


Your eye pressure helps us detect many things, one of the most common being glaucoma. Although we still use the puff routinely, the Icare® is easily available upon request.

tonometer comfort eye care option

Afraid of puff? The Icare® tonometer takes the place of the traditional eye exam “puff-of-air” (tonometer) machine