09 Aug Contact Lens Fitting
What To Expect During A Contact Lens Fitting
During the contact lens fitting process, we measure your eye shape and gather extra information about your lifestyle, contact lens preferences, and select the best lens for you. Then we evaluate the performance of these contact lenses on your eye (how they fit on your eye, checking your vision, and the comfort level).
If the contacts fit well, we will give you a contact lens prescription which is valid for ONE year. Your fitting includes a pair of contact lenses for you to test/wear. You will need to then purchase a year’s supply of contact lenses with the prescription we give you. Although the prescription can be taken almost anywhere, we believe that Costco gives you the best value (…on everything, really!).
Yes, this prescription is DIFFERENT from your eyeglass prescription. Call and ask us why!
Types of Contact Lens
Extended Wear Lenses
These thinner lenses can be worn overnight and continuously anywhere from a week to a month depending on the brand.
Color Contact Lenses
Lenses that change the appearance of your eye color. Yes, we can fit you movie stars with the non-prescription, super cool contact lenses you need!
Soft Lenses
These lenses require more frequent replacement than hard contact lenses but are generally the most comfortable lens option and they stay in place more than hard lenses.
Hard Contacts
Rigid gas permeable contacts are extremely durable and easy-to-care for lenses that maintain their shape while allowing healthy oxygen flow to the eye. Advantages may include offering clearer vision than soft lenses and correcting for most astigmatisms.
Daily Disposable
These are the healthiest option for contact lenses wear. You will love putting a new pair in every day! You don’t need to clean them, put them in a case, or store them, which saves you time and money on the solution. Monthly disposables are also available.
The Necessary Measurements For Your Lens Fitting:
The curvature of your contact lens is a huge part of a correctly fitted lens. We will use a combination of manual and computerized instruments to measure the shape of the front of your eyes (cornea). This will help your eye doctor determine the best contact lens for you.
Your contact lens fitting also includes an evaluation of the front surface of your eye. It is important for your doctor to see that you have a healthy eye to put a contact lens on. The doctor is looking at your eye’s ability to produce tears, for dry spots, for diseases of the eye surface, and especially for blood vessels that have grown from the white part of your eye (sclera) into the clear front part of your eye (cornea) indicating that your current contact lens wear may be suffocating your eyes. Such blood vessel growth indicates that your eyes are not getting enough oxygen, aka suffocating. Dry eyes can make wearing contacts much more uncomfortable.
The Benefits Of
Daily Wear Contacts
If your time is money, then opting for daily wear contacts is a win-win for sure! These are great for everyone, they are a MUST for people who wear contact lenses sporadically because you don’t want bacteria growing in a contact lens case with contact lenses that have been sitting there for weeks (or months). It’s kind of gross once you think about it!