Do you get Blurred Vision After Eating?

Do you get Blurred Vision After Eating?

Do things get blurry or fuzzy when you get up from the dinner table? That’s because of a sudden sugar level spike in your body. If this happens frequently, scheduling a meeting with a doctor is the smartest decision for you. It could indicate blood sugar abnormality, chances of diabetes, or something worse.

Getting it checked professionally can provide clear information about the reason for the blurred vision and its treatment.

Blood Sugar and Vision: Understanding the Relationship

Diabetes is a common disease caused by excessive sugar in the body. The sugar travels through the blood and can harm vital organs throughout the body. Some people’s bodies can also digest food faster than normal, causing sudden sugar level spikes.

The crystalline lens and cornea in the eye focus light onto the retina, creating a clear visual image. The lens adjusts its shape depending on the distance and size of the object the person sees. However, in some cases, the eyes can swell up. It is because of the increased fluid collected in the eye because of high blood sugar. The eye cannot focus on the objects with the same efficiency as it can originally.

The eye complication can increase with time and cause more health conditions—the kind of diet an individual takes matters the most in the blood sugar and eyesight problems. For instance, sugar and other carbohydrate foods most likely cause spikes in blood sugar.

Most people consume these foods without considering the adverse effects on the body. Following are some of the most dangerous foods for people suffering from eye complications:

  • Candies and baked goods
  • Fruit juice
  • Most breakfast cereals
  • Potatoes in all forms
  • Sugary sodas and beverages
  • White rice and pasta

Temporary Blurred Vision: What are some other potential causes?

While diabetes is a serious reason for blurred vision, it is not the only one. For example, some people may experience intermittent blurred vision because of various complications.

The victims should discuss these health conditions with professionals for accurate results instead of trying to find the solution on their own.

Following are some of the most common health conditions which may also contribute to blurred vision in individuals.

  • Carotid stenosis
  • Certain medications
  • Eye strain
  • Glaucoma
  • Keratitis
  • Macular degeneration
  • Migraines
  • Pink eye (conjunctivitis)

Some of these diseases show their symptoms, while others are more subtle. Therefore, you should know the right diagnosis and take preventive measures for these health conditions. We recommend checking your eyes regularly and visiting an eye specialist whenever you feel like your blurred vision has increased.

People who identify the pattern of blurriness in their sight should also track their diets and cut down on carbohydrates and artificial sugars. It’s a preventive measure to stop vision blurring to stop.

How can our Professionals Help?

Getting your eyes tested by professionals is a great way to ensure you do not face any complications with your eyes, vision, or corresponding organs. Individuals should check themselves timely to prevent their medical conditions from getting too serious.

Therefore, we recommend contacting our professionals at Total Eye Care for a comprehensive checkup. Our professionals have years of experience and can help you manage blurry vision and manage your sugar levels. We have the latest information and solution because of diabetes-induced eye problems.

Consulting with our professionals will give you a clearer idea of our expertise. Please feel free to contact us at:

  • Total Eye Care – Colleyville


  • Total Eye Care – Keller
