26 Aug What Is Glaucoma?
The human eye has various parts that function together to help you see the world. So, if anything goes wrong, it can seriously affect the person’s vision. An example of this can be the additional fluid that can build up and damage the optic nerve, leading to complete loss of vision.
That is the case with most people living with glaucoma. It is vital to understand what glaucoma is and the damage it can do if not diagnosed and treated early. We will discuss the different types of glaucoma and the risks it introduces.
What is Glaucoma?
Glaucoma is an eye condition where the optic nerve gets damaged. This condition occurs as a result of additional fluid gathering in the front side of the eye, which builds up pressure within the eye. The optic nerve connects the eye with the brain and can get damaged by Glaucoma.
A healthy eye keeps the pressure of the fluids balanced within your eye by pushing out old fluids while producing new ones. However, glaucoma can disrupt this entire cycle and the pressure of the fluid will continue to rise until it damages the eye.
Major Types of Glaucoma
While there are many types of glaucoma, the most common ones are angle-closure and open-angle glaucoma. The open-angle glaucoma is the most prevalent type with more than 2.7 million people affected by it, making up 90% of all glaucoma cases.
This type of glaucoma happens gradually as drainage canals in the eyes start to clog slowly. Most patients can find it difficult to learn about open-angle glaucoma until it reaches its later stages.
Therefore, you need to get an extensive eye exam to keep your eyes healthy. Early tests can uncover open-angle glaucoma, which allows healthcare professionals to treat it and prevent further damage.
On the other hand, the angle close to glaucoma happens because the iris blocks the drainage canals in the eye. You can find out about this type of glaucoma if you experience the following symptoms:
- Nausea
- Headaches
- Halos around lights
- Eye pain
- Blurry vision
If you experience these symptoms, then you shouldn’t ignore them and contact an eye doctor quickly.
Glaucoma Risks
Nearly everyone is at a higher risk of developing glaucoma, but some factors put some individuals at a greater risk. Studies show that heredity is a key element in developing glaucoma. People with a sibling or close family member that has glaucoma are at a higher risk of developing it than someone who doesn’t.
Other studies also show that racial background is also a crucial factor that can lead to glaucoma. African or Hispanic individuals are more likely to develop angle-closure glaucoma. Apart from that, people who had an eye injury before or use steroids are also at risk for developing glaucoma.
Schedule an Appointment Today
Total EyeCare offers you state-of-the-art eye care solutions. Our ophthalmologists have years of experience in diagnosing and treating glaucoma. We can offer you various eye treatment solutions and provide you with treatments for any issues you are facing with your eye health.
Don’t ignore the early symptoms of glaucoma – schedule an appointment today!