31 Oct Sleep and Vision: Connect the Dots!
Whether you realize it or not, sleep deprivation can take a serious toll on the mind and body. Like alcohol, sleep deprivation strips you of your energy.
So, how does sleep deprivation affect your eyes? Well, if you don’t get a good night’s sleep, your health and eye health will start to deteriorate. On the other hand, when you experience quality and full-cycle sleep, it improves your health and eye health in general.
Sleep Deprivation Impacts Your Eye Health
In the digital age, people are glued to their smartphone screens. And even when you feel like sleeping, the blue light gradually fuses your ability to fall asleep. And before you know it – you’re feeling exhausted and frustrated. And this, in turn, makes it hard to focus on any task.
If this pattern continues, it will significantly impact your health and your eye health. Data shows that chronic sleep deprivation makes the immune system weaker and vulnerable to viruses. Not to mention, it increases your blood pressure, triggers memory loss, and makes it difficult to lose weight altogether.
On average, you need at least 5-7 hours of sleep daily to refill your energy and start a fresh new day. If you keep your eyes open at bedtime and stare at blue light for hours – sleep prevention will lead to dry eye, eye twitches, and even eye strain. In hindsight, understand that your eyes are the key to getting sound sleep throughout the night.
The Curse of Blue Light
Whether it’s a cell phone, laptop, or PC, it is easy to get addicted to blue light on smart devices. What’s worse is that blue light alters your body’s internal clock. That’s right – your body has an internal clock that regulates your mood, focus, and behavior.
And when this internal clock is clogged and confused due to blue light, it becomes difficult for your brain to interpret verbal and written words. Eventually, your brain adapts to blue light screens and tricks you into thinking it is not bedtime.
What’s the Solution? Limit Your Blue Light
When bedtime draws near, make sure to limit your blue light. If you want to fall asleep quickly, cut out the use of smartphones and laptops at least an hour before bedtime. It is the best way to avoid blue light screen filters that trick your mind into thinking it is not bedtime. And most importantly, it will help you maintain your eye health. You should also take contact lenses off at night.
Final Thoughts
Dim the blue lights right before you go to bed. If you want to maintain your health and eye health, one of your priorities should be to get a comprehensive eye exam. You can count on a dedicated service like Total Eye Care Billings to get the best eye care service solutions. Follow the lead of optometrists and get enough time. With 7-9 hours of sleep, you can ensure your vision remains perfect as you age.
You can reach out to Total Eye Care Billings to meet your eye care needs.