Eye Care

During summer, diving into pools and hitting the beach is a great way to take the edge off. However, participating in underwater sports directly affects your eyes’ health. Whether you want to get into a body of water for fun or professional sports, the last...

Regular eye exams are the best way to keep your eyes healthy and maintain proper visibility. It is crucial to understand that you could have more than one eye condition. Also, don’t confuse standard vision screening with a comprehensive eye exam. Usually, in the early stages,...

Pink eye or conjunctivitis is a condition that leads to inflammation in the conjunctiva, the thin membrane covering the eye's sclera or whites and inner eyelid surface. Different types of conjunctivitis can be infectious and spread quickly. Pink eye usually has a notorious reputation and...

Most reports indicate that air quality across the world has decreased. In the summer, however, ozone levels hit their peak. The fact of the matter is that eye is vulnerable to the impact of air pollution. Understand that some people may feel more eye irritation...